OgA Themed dinner 3: ve.GIGA.tarisch!

The third edition of the OgA Themed dinners getting closer and this time it will be a vegetarian feast! A meatless extravaganza :-D It won’t be vegan, though; dairy products will be used. This dinner will take place on the 18th of Februari and is already fully booked! The menu is shaping up nicely and it’s time for some ‘trial cooking’ ;-)

The date (sometime in March) and theme of the following dinner will be announced very soon, so stay tuned!

Bank account

Just a reminder of the Oli Goes Africa bank account: ASN Bank 880.01.46.589
ASN Bank invests exclusively in sustainable projects. So no projects with child labour, or land mines, or weapons… Only projects that respect both the human being and the environment. So don’t wait too long and move your accounts to a sustainable bank!

And we’re back!

Since the beginning of his year, I moved my domains to a new provider (our dear friend Dimitri); but, clumsy as I can be, I neglected to back-up the database. Which means all the previous posts are gone in cyberspace. But no worries! I’ll start refilling the site and keeping you updated!